The Center for International Legal Cooperation (CILC) is an independent Dutch non-profit organisation, which provides expertise to developing and transition countries engaged in legal and judicial reform. CILC was founded in the belief that a functioning, reliable legal system is a critical precondition for the political, economic and social well-being of a country’s population. CILC has extensive experience in providing capacity building to Ministries of Justice, High Judicial and/or Prosecutorial Councils, Supreme Courts, Judicial Training Institutions, Prosecutors’ Offices, Bar Associations, Public Defenders’ Offices and Enforcement Agencies, all in accordance with applicable international standards. Besides this, CILC has extensive experience in implementing rule of law programmes and projects in the field of academic cooperation, capacity building and access to justice through training and consultancy.\r\n\r\nCILC is an experienced organisation specialised in implementing large, complex international-donor funded projects aimed at reforming justice systems.
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