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Finance & HR Assistant

Mercy Corps Netherlands

Mercy Corps Netherlands

Accounting & Finance, People & HR
Posted on Dec 25, 2024

General Position Summary:

The Monitoring, Evaluation and Learning (MEL) Officer will work with the Mercy Corps program team as well as our local partner organizations to oversee and ensure the collection of quality M&E data for the program. The M&E Officer will be responsible for supporting the program activities in the FSL program to oversee the monitoring and data collection of the project, lead MEL surveys, analyze data to provide insight to project team, and contribute to report writing. S/he will ensure that performance monitoring and results reporting tools and processes across the entire program are in place, effectively implemented and well synchronized between the two program sites. The MEL officer will be an integral member of the project team learning and reflection processes, leading discussion on beneficiary feedback.

Essential Job Responsibilities:

Strategy & Vision
  • Develop a system for reporting and validating program data (Excel, Tola, Access, etc.)
  • Work closely with the program teams and local partners, to ensure effective monitoring, evaluation and reporting of program activities and results.
  • Coordinate reporting with local partners, specifically tracking deadlines, ensuring adherence to monitoring formats and requirements, ensuring reporting quality and accuracy, and periodic report writing, editing, and submission.
  • Compile progress against indicators and report back to the team according to the monitoring plan.
  • Develop Data Quality Assessment Plan.
  • Perform spot checks on the team’s data collected and reports each month.
  • Actively participate in any additional evaluation M&E activities including but not limited to baseline surveys, mid-term, end-line surveys, evaluations, households surveys.
  • Guide and supervise the entry of monitoring data into the-developed online databases according to the projects MEL plan.
  • Develop and manage a centralized IPTT that automatically fed with data from relevant databases.
  • Perform regular data cleaning to detect corrupt or inaccurate records from project’s record sets, or databases and correct it by replacing, modifying, or deleting the coarse data.
  • Conduct regular reviews of collected data to ensure validity, reliability, relevance, timeliness, and accuracy of captured information.
  • Provide support to the MEL Manager and MEL Officers in the design of online tools using various digital platforms as needed.
  • Ensure all MEL related data and documents/ files are properly organized and stored online in compliance with MC Minimum Standards. Provide timely reports and data summaries to the MEL Manager (including filling in data for indicators for each location and program) of routine data.
  • Participate in the dissemination and presentation of data back to programs and communities
  • Participate in data review workshops with MEL and program staff

Program Management
  • Guide and supervise the entry of monitoring data into the-developed online databases according to the projects MEL plan.
  • Develop and manage a centralized IPTT that automatically fed with data from relevant databases.
  • Perform regular data cleaning to detect corrupt or inaccurate records from project’s record sets, or databases and correct it by replacing, modifying, or deleting the coarse data.
  • Conduct regular reviews of collected data to ensure validity, reliability, relevance, timeliness, and accuracy of captured information.
  • Provide support to the MEL Manager and MEL Officers in the design of online tools using various digital platforms as needed.
  • Ensure all MEL related data and documents/ files are properly organized and stored online in compliance with MC Minimum Standards. Provide timely reports and data summaries to the MEL Manager (including filling in data for indicators for each location and program) of routine data.
  • Participate in the dissemination and presentation of data back to programs and communities
  • Participate in data review workshops with MEL and program staff
  • Contribute to learning/research agenda.
  • Build the capacity of all relevant team members to implement program monitoring tools, accurately enter program data into relevant databases, and enable them to develop excellent reports and other documents.
  • Build the capacity of our local partner organizations through ongoing training and support on: monitoring tools, entering program data into databases, the development of reports and other documents.
  • Document lessons learned and success stories on the project.
  • Ensure adherence to program management minimum standards in carrying out his/her duties, advising and supporting other staff in the same as required.
  • Other duties as assigned.

  • Ensure compliance with security procedures and policies as determined by country leadership.
  • Proactively ensure that team members operate in a secure environment and are aware of policies.


  • Actively learns safeguarding and integrates it into their work, including safeguarding risks and mitigations related to their area of work.
  • Practices the values of Mercy Corps including respecting the dignity and well-being of participants and fellow team members.
  • Encourages openness and communication in their team; encourages team members to submit reports if they have any concerns using reporting mechanisms e.g. Integrity Hotline and other options.
  • If relevant, briefing or training any external personnel such as when working with service contractors or subaward partners.

Supervisory Responsibility:



  • Reports Directly To: PaQ Coordinator
  • Works Directly With: Program team ; FSL team; support team

Knowledge and Experience:

  • BA/S or equivalent, preferable in business administration, public administration or international development.
  • 2-4 years M&E experience
  • Fluent in both spoken and written Arabic with good knowledge of English.
  • Previous experience working on USAID funded programs preferred
  • Relevant experience in field survey/data collection techniques, data entry, data verification, and analysis
  • Good understanding and skills at data management.
  • Strong computer literacy with a full knowledge of MS Office applications.
  • Strong team coordination, listening, and consensus building skills.

Success Factors:

A strong team member will be conscientious, with excellent judgement, capable of multi-tasking, prioritizing, problem-solving and attention to detail with strategic vision. S/he must have the confidence, and humility, to work effectively with a large variety of people who will be diverse culturally, economically and in social status. S/he must be sensitive to political and cultural nuance and able to consistently apply excellent judgment to a variety of demanding and fast-changing situations, as well as the ability to foster solid working relationships with Mercy Corps staff, LNGOs and CBOs. Working as part of a team and coordinating with project personnel, as well as strong organizational skills, are essential to this position.

Diversity, Equity & Inclusion

Achieving our mission begins with how we build our team and work together. Through our commitment to enriching our organization with people of different origins, beliefs, backgrounds, and ways of thinking, we are better able to leverage the collective power of our teams and solve the world’s most complex challenges. We strive for a culture of trust and respect, where everyone contributes their perspectives and authentic selves, reaches their potential as individuals and teams, and collaborates to do the best work of their lives.

We recognize that diversity and inclusion is a journey, and we are committed to learning, listening and evolving to become more diverse, equitable and inclusive than we are today.

Equal Employment Opportunity

Mercy Corps is an equal opportunity employer that does not tolerate discrimination on any basis. We actively seek out diverse backgrounds, perspectives, and skills so that we can be collectively stronger and have sustained global impact.

We are committed to providing an environment of respect and psychological safety where equal employment opportunities are available to all. We do not engage in or tolerate discrimination on the basis of race, color, gender identity, gender expression, religion, age, sexual orientation, national or ethnic origin, disability (including HIV/AIDS status), marital status, military veteran status or any other protected group in the locations where we work.

Safeguarding & Ethics

Mercy Corps is committed to ensuring that all individuals we come into contact with through our work, whether team members, community members, program participants or others, are treated with respect and dignity. We are committed to the core principles regarding prevention of sexual exploitation and abuse laid out by the UN Secretary General and IASC and have signed on to the Interagency Misconduct Disclosure Scheme. By applying for this role an applicant confirms that they have not previously violated an employer’s sexual misconduct, sexual exploitation and abuse, child safeguarding or trafficking policy. We will not tolerate child abuse, sexual exploitation, abuse, or harassment by or of our team members. As part of our commitment to a safe and inclusive work environment, team members are expected to conduct themselves in a professional manner, respect local laws and customs, and to adhere to Mercy Corps Code of Conduct Policies and values at all times. Team members are required to complete mandatory Code of Conduct e-learning courses upon hire and on an annual basis.

As an applicant, if you witness or experience any form of sexual misconduct during the recruitment process, please report this to Mercy Corps Integrity Hotline (

الصون و الأخلاق

ميرسي كور تلتزم بضمان المعاملة اللائقة واحترام جميع الأفراد اللذين نتواصل معهم من خلال عملنا, سواء كانوا أعضاء الفريق أو أعضاء المجتمع أو المشاركين في البرامج أو غيرهم. نحن ملتزمون بالمبادئ الرئيسية المتعلقة بمنع الاستغلال والإساءة الجنسية التي وضعها الأمين العام للأمم المتحدة واللجنة الدائمة للتنسيق بين الوكالات الإنسانية (IASC)، وقد وقعنا على نظام الإفصاح المتبادل بين الجهات الفاعلة في حالة السلوك الغير اللائق. عند التقديم لهذا الدور، يؤكد المتقدم أنه لم ينتهك في السابق سياسة السلوك الجنسي، والاستغلال والإساءة جنسية، صون الأطفال، أو الاتجار بالبشر لأي جهة عمل. ميرسي كور لن تتسامح مع إساءة معاملة الأطفال أو الاستغلال الجنسي أو الإساءة أو التحرش من قبل أو بسبب أعضاء فريقنا. كجزء من التزامنا تجاه توفير بيئة عمل آمنة وشاملة, من المتوقع أن يتصرف أعضاء الفريق بطريقة مهنية, تحترم القوانين والعادات المحلية. والالتزام بسياسات وقيم مدونة قواعد السلوك الخاصة بمنظمة ميرسي كور في جميع الأوقات. كما يتطلب من جميع أعضاء الفريق إكمال دورات التعليم الإلكتروني الإلزامية لقواعد السلوك عند التوظيف وذلك بشكل سنوي.

كمتقدم للوظيفة، إذا كنت قد شهدت أو تعرضت لأي نوع من أنواع السلوك الجنسي الغير لائق خلال عملية التوظيف، يرجى الإبلاغ عن ذلك إلى خط النزاهة في منظمة ميرسي كور (

Ongoing Learning

In support of our belief that learning organizations are more effective, efficient and relevant to the communities we serve, we empower all team members to dedicate 5% of their time to learning activities that further their personal and/or professional growth and development.

Accountability To Participants

Mercy Corps team members are expected to support all efforts toward accountability, specifically to our participants and to international standards guiding international relief and development work, while actively engaging participant communities as equal partners in the design, monitoring and evaluation of our field projects.