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stroke="#005EB8" stroke-width=".5" d="M11.198 55.872v.002c-.188.243-.47.376-.756.376-.113 0-.22-.02-.334-.051l-.01-.003-.01-.004c-.41-.156-.63-.577-.592-.981v-.005l2.226-19.99L.26 29.205h0c-.325-.172-.51-.512-.51-.863 0-.374.235-.694.567-.841l.003-.002 11.403-4.89L10.067 5.53V5.53c-.037-.416.207-.813.589-.966h0l.003-.001c.391-.15.826-.038 1.091.283l.002.003 11.002 13.745 9.064-4.265s0 0 0 0c.36-.171.795-.095 1.078l-.001.001-6.125 12.775 7.27 15.646h0v.003c. 1.093-.3.282-.74.342-1.102.133l-.002-.001-9.607-5.33-12.11 15.957zm11.103-17.756l.001-.001c.187-.243.47-.377.756-.377.155 0 .305.04.447.11h0l.01.006 7.775 4.324-6.227-13.408c-.134-.272-.111-.574-.001-.812h0l.001-.003 5.162-10.785-7.338 3.45v.001c-.398.189-.873.077-1.14-.266l-.001-.002-9.469-11.858 1.41 14.609h.001c.038.416-.19.794-.565.963h0l-.004.001-10.21 4.38 10.27 5.388h0l.005.003c.34.189.527.565.49.94v.003l-1.908 17.223L22.3 38.116z"></path>\n                            <path fill="#005EB8" fill-rule="evenodd" d="M38.772 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clip-rule="evenodd"></path>\n                            <clippath>\n                                <path fill="#fff" d="M0 0H43.823V56H0z"></path>\n                            </clippath>\n                        </svg>\n                    </div>\n                    <div class="dn-jobdetails__highlight-label">\n                        Experience #lifeatdanone\n                    </div>\n                </a>\n                <a href="/en-global/brands.html" class="dn-jobdetails__highlight-item">\n                    <div class="dn-jobdetails__highlight-vis">\n                        <svg width="146" height="56" aria-hidden="true" viewbox="0 0 147 56" color="white" fill="currentColor" role="img" focusable="false" class="sc-jAaTju fnRjGd">\n                            <g clip-path="url(#clip0)">\n                                <path fill="#fff" d="M27.559 10.984s5.884-6.669 14.71-4.315c0 0 15.202-.49 10.396 20.595 0 0-6.472 15.3-25.499 23.146L5.394 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1.275.098 1.765.785 1.569 2.06-.294 1.961-.981 3.726-1.961 5.492 1.961.49 2.255.883 1.863 2.844-.392 1.667-.981 3.236-1.765 4.806 1.961.49 2.157.882 1.765 2.746-.981 5.492-3.923 8.532-9.415 9.513-.687.098-.785.392-.785.98v6.571c0 1.373-.49 1.962-1.471 1.962-1.079 0-1.569-.589-1.569-1.962V47.37c0-.589 0-.981-.785-1.08-5.982-.882-8.532-4.903-9.513-10.297-.098-.49.098-.883.196-1.373.098-.686.883-.588 1.079-1.177-.686.294-.882.98-1.373 1.079z"></path>\n                                <path fill="#F4F9EE" d="M122.886 34.522c.393-.588.785-1.079 1.275-1.765.392.784 1.275 1.47-.392 1.569-.196 0-.49.294-.687.392-.098 0-.098-.098-.196-.196z"></path>\n                                <path fill="#fff" d="M130.144 12.357c-1.275 2.844-2.55 5.492-5.787 6.375-1.275.392-1.765 1.373-1.667 2.746.098 1.373.294 2.746.392 4.315-7.257-5.1-14.416-5.1-21.576.295-.098-1.373 0-2.648.196-4.021.295-2.452 0-2.845-2.452-3.531-1.078-.294-1.961-.98-2.55-1.962a27.742 27.742 0 01-2.059-3.726c-.196-.49-.196-.687.392-.785 1.668-.294 3.433-.392 5.1.098 1.177.294 2.158.098 2.942-.883.883-1.078 1.275-2.353.687-3.726-.196-.393-.491-.785-.785-1.177-.392-.49-.686-1.079-.686-1.667-.098-.589-.098-1.374.392-1.668.588-.294.785.589 1.177.883.098 0 . 1.471 2.06 3.138 2.942 5.786 1.765 1.864-.784 4.021-.49 5.983.295 1.471.588 2.648.392 3.629-.883l1.765-2.06c.49-.588.785-.392.883.295.294 1.078-.098 2.06-.687 3.04-1.471 2.256-1.373 3.236.294 5.296.491.686 1.177.686 1.962.49 2.059-.588 4.217-.49 6.473 0z"></path>\n                                <path fill="#fff" d="M112.392 36.581c-4.413-.196-7.649-2.06-9.709-5.786-.294-.588-.294-.98.196-1.57 5.1-5.393 13.73-5.59 18.928-.391.491.49.589.882.295 1.47-2.158 3.924-5.395 6.081-9.71 6.277z"></path>\n                                <path fill="#FEFEFD" d="M142.991 37.366c-.98 3.727-3.334 5.786-6.473 5.983.589-3.237 3.139-5.689 6.473-5.983zm-10.199-9.317c-3.237-.196-5.689-2.452-6.473-5.884 2.844-.295 5.786 2.353 6.473 5.884z"></path>\n                                <path fill="#FEFFFE" d="M132.89 35.797c-3.139-.196-5.689-2.354-6.473-5.394-.196-.687.098-.687.588-.589 3.335.687 5.002 2.844 5.885 5.983z"></path>\n                                <path fill="#FEFEFD" d="M126.319 37.464c2.942-.098 5.492 2.158 6.473 5.787-2.746.392-5.689-2.354-6.473-5.787z"></path>\n                                <path fill="#FEFFFE" d="M136.518 28.049c.491-3.236 3.139-5.688 6.375-5.982-.294 3.138-3.138 5.786-6.375 5.982zm6.375 1.765c-.294 2.746-3.04 6.081-6.375 5.885.687-3.433 2.943-5.492 6.375-5.885z"></path>\n                                <path fill="#FDFEFB" d="M134.753 14.024c1.373 2.55 1.373 5.002 0 7.16-1.471-2.256-1.471-5.198 0-7.16z"></path>\n                                <path fill="#F3F9ED" d="M130.536 17.947c.196.883.294 1.57.392 2.256-1.961-.49-1.961-.49-.392-2.256z"></path>\n                                <path fill="#8BC540" d="M107.489 14.123c.98 0 2.255.784 3.138 2.353.392.785.294 1.57-.49 2.06-.785.49-1.472.196-2.06-.49-1.079-1.373-1.765-1.373-2.844.098-.589.784-1.275.882-2.06.49-.784-.392-.882-1.079-.588-1.962.588-1.569 2.256-2.55 4.904-2.55zm10.592 0c1.373 0 2.648.784 3.53 2.255.491.785.393 1.668-.392 2.158s-1.569.294-2.158-.49c-.882-1.275-1.863-1.275-2.746.098-.588.882-1.275 1.078-2.059.588-.883-.49-.981-1.275-.491-2.157.883-1.668 2.158-2.452 4.316-2.452z"></path>\n                                <path fill="#8FC644" d="M109.45 32.266c-.686 0-1.079-.49-1.079-1.079 0-.686.491-1.177 1.177-1.078.687.098 1.176 0 .589-.392.981-1.079.981z"></path>\n                                <path fill="#8DC642" d="M114.942 32.266c-.784 0-1.177-.392-1.177-1.079 0-.686.393-1.078 1.079-1.078.687 0 1.079.392 1.079 1.08-.981 1.08z"></path>\n                                <path fill="#2160AD" d="M10.102 30.697c-.785-1.079-1.766-2.06-2.452-3.334-.883-1.668-.785-2.943.196-3.531.98-.588 2.452 0 3.236 1.57 1.471 2.647 3.433 4.707 6.08 6.276 1.472.882 2.649 2.06 3.63 3.432.784 1.177 1.274 2.452 1.078 4.021-.196 1.373.49 2.452 1.57 3.335.882.686 1.667 1.275 2.451 1.961.687.589.883 1.177.687 2.158-.294 1.079-.785 2.158-.392 3.433.196.784-.393.686-.883.49-1.275-.49-2.648-.98-3.825-1.667-1.863-1.08-3.727-2.256-5.688-3.335-4.12-2.255-7.061-5.688-10.2-9.12-1.47-1.668-2.452-3.531-3.334-5.493C.392 26.97-.098 22.95.196 18.733c.098-.884-.098-1.864-.196-2.845-.098-.687.098-1.275.785-1.57.686-.293 1.176-.097 1.765.295 1.275.98 1.57 2.354 1.863 3.825.196.883.393 1.765.295 2.648-.393 3.138 1.078 5.59 3.04 7.846.686.784 1.47 1.47 2.157"></path>\n                                <path fill="#2160AD" d="M14.613 4.413c5.002.098 8.729 1.57 12.063 4.414.687.588.98.686 1.765 0 6.67-5.689 16.084-5.885 22.655-.393 2.746 2.256 4.021 5.198 4.316 8.63.588 8.435-2.55 15.398-8.337 21.38-5.002 5.199-10.984 9.122-17.457 12.26-1.177.588-1.961.49-2.452-.294-.49-.883-.196-1.765.883-2.256a66.59 66.59 0 0013.044-8.238c5.296-4.315 9.317-9.415 10.886-16.28.588-2.452.785-5.002.294-7.552-.883-4.61-4.119-6.865-8.238-8.042-5.786-1.57-10.69.098-14.81 4.217-1.47 1.471-1.863 1.471-3.432 0-5.001-5.002-11.572-6.178-17.457-3.138-1.569.784-2.844 1.863-3.923 3.236-.882 1.177-1.667 1.373-2.452.687-.686-.589-.784-1.471 0-2.452 3.433-4.315 7.944-5.983 12.652-6.179z"></path>\n                                <path fill="#E2E4F3" d="M10.102 30.697c.294.196.588.49.686.98-.588.099-.784-.293-.98-.588.097-.098.196-.294.294-.392z"></path>\n                                <path fill="#2BAAE2" d="M76.694 55.412c-9.612 0-17.556-7.062-18.83-16.477-.491-3.53.392-6.669 1.667-9.807 2.746-7.061 6.57-13.534 10.494-19.91a199.295 199.295 0 014.903-7.55c1.177-1.766 2.256-1.766 3.433 0 5.394 8.041 10.592 16.28 14.417 25.204 1.47 3.433 2.844 6.963 2.648 10.788-.393 8.63-7.454 16.379-15.986 17.555-.981.098-1.962.295-2.746.197z"></path>\n                                <path fill="#fff" d="M76.596 4.413c1.765 2.844 3.53 5.59 5.197 8.337 3.335 5.59 6.571 11.18 9.023 17.26 1.471 3.63 2.158 7.16.98 11.083-3.04 10.396-15.985 14.809-24.714 8.238-4.315-3.236-6.472-7.65-6.374-13.044 0-2.648 1.078-5.002 2.06-7.355 3.726-8.63 8.63-16.477 13.828-24.519z"></path>\n                                <path fill="#2BAAE2" d="M90.914 35.503c-.098 7.159-6.276 13.926-13.436 14.514-.49 0-.98.099-1.471.197-1.079 0-1.863-.589-1.962-1.471 0-.883.589-1.472 1.766-1.57 5.688-.294 10.298-3.923 11.67-9.317.197-.784.295-1.569.393-2.452.098-1.569.49-2.157 1.57-2.059 1.078 0 1.47.687 1.47 2.158z"></path>\n                            </g>\n                            <defs>\n                                <clippath id="clip0">\n                                    <path fill="#fff" d="M0 0h146.424v56H0z"></path>\n                                </clippath>\n                            </defs>\n                        </svg>\n                    </div>\n                    <div class="dn-jobdetails__highlight-label">\n                        Work with many brands\n          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<div class="container container--limited">\n    <div class="cmp-container">\n        <div class="dn-jobdetails__description">\n            <h2 class="dn-jobdetails__title">About the job</h2>\n            <div class="dn-jobdetails__description-body">\n                <p><b>Senior Medical Affairs Manager LATAM </b></p>\n

(Zoetermeer, full-time, hybrid)




The Nutricia worldwide Medical Affairs and Market Access (MedMax team) is dedicated to improving health locally by driving medical credibility, demand and access through innovative partnerships and scientific based Solutions. The Senior Medical Affairs Manager will lead and execute the medical affairs strategy for the LATAM region, covering the full specialised nutrition portfolio (Core Milks, Allergy, Preterm, Faltering Growth, Adult and Metabolics and Ketogenics).





  • Planning, development and sign off of evidence-based, validated messages/claims, materials and media (promotional, educational) and packaging in line with Nutricia's procedures, category strategy etc.
  • \n
  • Design and execution of medical initiatives (e.g. symposia, webinars, advisory boards, Danone Nutricia Campus etc.) to maximise awareness of needs, evidence and use of products across our portfolio
  • \n




  • Internal education: Lead and secure internal (and distributor's) category and product knowledge and proactive on evidence, relevant clinical topics, composition and use of all products /services
  • \n
  • External education: category education and medical support to HCPs; leveraging Danone Nutricia Campus
  • \n




  • Lead the medical affairs input into strategy & execution by identifying and analysing relevant trends in clinical practice, nutritional science, publications, current relevant recommendations, guidelines, healthcare/ economic environments, to shape current commercial/medical plans, and future innovation
  • \n
  • Provide management and support of medical science liaisons in the LATAM region.
  • \n




  • Lead KOL & stakeholder management together with healthcare teams and distributors, with productive collaborations with HCPs, key organisations and KOLs to support product use & credibility and manage risk and crises.
  • \n
  • Effective ways of working across medical team (inc market access), with other key internal stakeholders (CAT teams, Healthcare teams, Regulatory) and global teams, to deliver strategy, activities & secure registration and HCP support.
  • \n
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We Offer
At Danone, we offer a complete package of benefits, with a competitive primary salary and yearly bonus, but also benefits like a premium free pension, 30 days annual leave and several discounts on a collective health insurance and even on some of our products. In the Netherlands we also offer a hybrid working environment which enables each team to meet our people's desire for flexibility. Across our 3 office hubs in Hoofddorp, Zoetermeer and Utrecht this helps us create better opportunities for connection & synergies across our entities, teams, functions and categories.
What’s next?
Hit the “apply now” button. After your application deadline first feedback will follow within 2 weeks. In case you are invited to the selection process you should expect to receive feedback 2 weeks after each step of the process
To comply with GDPR regulations, we cannot process your personal data without given consent. Therefore, we strongly recommend applying directly via our website.
Need more information? Please contact Valerija Usova, Talent Manager via
* all applicants will be considered for employment without attention to race, color, religion, sex, sexual orientation, gender identity, national origin, veteran or disability status.

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\n","datePosted":"2023-10-18T11:04:41.689Z","validThrough":"2023-11-29","employmentType":[],"hiringOrganization":{"@type":"Organization","name":"Nutricia","description":"Nutricia pioneers nutritional solutions that help people live longer, more joyful and healthier lives. Building on more than a century of nutritional research and innovation, Nutricia continues to transform lives through the power of nutrition. Nutricia’s science-based products and services support healthy growth and development during the first 1000 days. Nutricia also helps to address some of the world’s biggest health challenges including conditions in early life such as pre-term birth, faltering growth, food allergy and rare metabolic diseases, as well as age-related conditions and chronic disease, such as frailty, cancer, stroke and early Alzheimer’s disease. \r\n","numberOfEmployees":null,"address":[{"address":{"@type":"PostalAddress","addressLocality":"Amsterdam, Netherlands"}}],"sameAs":"","url":"","logo":"","memberOf":{"@type":"Organization","name":"Greater Rotterdam – The Hague area","description":"","logo":"","url":""},"keywords":""},"jobLocation":{"@type":"Place","address":{"@type":"PostalAddress","addressLocality":"Rijswijk, Netherlands"}}}

Senior Medical Affairs Manager LATAM



Rijswijk, Netherlands
Posted on Wednesday, October 18, 2023

Senior Medical Affairs Manager LATAM

  • Posted: 18 Oct 2023
  • Medical & Health Affairs
  • rijswijk
  • Netherlands

About the job

Senior Medical Affairs Manager LATAM 

(Zoetermeer, full-time, hybrid)


The Nutricia worldwide Medical Affairs and Market Access (MedMax team) is dedicated to improving health locally by driving medical credibility, demand and access through innovative partnerships and scientific based Solutions. The Senior Medical Affairs Manager will lead and execute the medical affairs strategy for the LATAM region, covering the full specialised nutrition portfolio (Core Milks, Allergy, Preterm, Faltering Growth, Adult and Metabolics and Ketogenics).



  • Planning, development and sign off of evidence-based, validated messages/claims, materials and media (promotional, educational) and packaging in line with Nutricia's procedures, category strategy etc.
  • Design and execution of medical initiatives (e.g. symposia, webinars, advisory boards, Danone Nutricia Campus etc.) to maximise awareness of needs, evidence and use of products across our portfolio



  • Internal education: Lead and secure internal (and distributor's) category and product knowledge and proactive on evidence, relevant clinical topics, composition and use of all products /services
  • External education: category education and medical support to HCPs; leveraging Danone Nutricia Campus



  • Lead the medical affairs input into strategy & execution by identifying and analysing relevant trends in clinical practice, nutritional science, publications, current relevant recommendations, guidelines, healthcare/ economic environments, to shape current commercial/medical plans, and future innovation
  • Provide management and support of medical science liaisons in the LATAM region.



  • Lead KOL & stakeholder management together with healthcare teams and distributors, with productive collaborations with HCPs, key organisations and KOLs to support product use & credibility and manage risk and crises.
  • Effective ways of working across medical team (inc market access), with other key internal stakeholders (CAT teams, Healthcare teams, Regulatory) and global teams, to deliver strategy, activities & secure registration and HCP support.

About you

About you

  • Minimum 5 years post qualification experience in a healthcare, academic or commercial setting, including working in dietetic clinical practice
  • Minimum 3-5 years experience in medical affairs
  • Fluency both written and spoken in English is mandatory, Spanish is a strong pre
  • Good level of understanding from nutrition/dietetic perspective of the different conditions/diseases, clinical needs, clinical practice related to our scope as well as commercial application. Experience in adult category is a pre.
  • Demonstrated track record of success in managing internal and external stakeholders, and delivering high quality output  in a rapidly changing and complex environment.

About us

About us
We are proud to be an equal employer. We are convinced our differences make the difference and that an inclusive working environment will drive our growth as a business, as teams and as individuals. We will therefore consider all applicants for employment* fostering an inclusive working culture that is accessible for all.
Did you know that as a B-Corp certified company, Danone Benelux meets the highest verified standards of social and environmental performance, transparency, and accountability?


We Offer
At Danone, we offer a complete package of benefits, with a competitive primary salary and yearly bonus, but also benefits like a premium free pension, 30 days annual leave and several discounts on a collective health insurance and even on some of our products. In the Netherlands we also offer a hybrid working environment which enables each team to meet our people's desire for flexibility. Across our 3 office hubs in Hoofddorp, Zoetermeer and Utrecht this helps us create better opportunities for connection & synergies across our entities, teams, functions and categories.
What’s next?
Hit the “apply now” button. After your application deadline first feedback will follow within 2 weeks. In case you are invited to the selection process you should expect to receive feedback 2 weeks after each step of the process
To comply with GDPR regulations, we cannot process your personal data without given consent. Therefore, we strongly recommend applying directly via our website.
Need more information? Please contact Valerija Usova, Talent Manager via
* all applicants will be considered for employment without attention to race, color, religion, sex, sexual orientation, gender identity, national origin, veteran or disability status.

Application procedure

  • Resume and Cover letter

  • Interview #1

  • Interview #2

  • Welcome