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focusable="false" role="img">\n                        <use xmlns:xlink="" xlink:href="/etc.clientlibs/careers/clientlibs/clientlib-site/resources/images/icons.svg#briefcase"></use>\n                    </svg>\n                    Sales\n                </li>\n                <li>\n                    <svg width="24" height="18" aria-hidden="true" class="icon" focusable="false" role="img">\n                        <use xmlns:xlink="" xlink:href="/etc.clientlibs/careers/clientlibs/clientlib-site/resources/images/icons.svg#city"></use>\n                    </svg>\n                    Zoetermeer\n                </li>\n                <li>\n                    <img src="/content/dam/system/careers/countries-flags/Netherlands.svg" width="24" alt="">\n                    Netherlands\n                </li>\n                \n                \n            </ul>\n        </div>\n    </div>\n</div>\n\n\n    <div class="dn-jobdetails__content">\n        <div class="ataglance">\n<div class="container container--limited">\n    <div class="cmp-container">\n        <h2 class="dn-jobdetails__highlight-title">AT A GLANCE, YOU WILL</h2>\n    </div>\n</div>\n<div class="dn-jobdetails__highlight">\n    <div class="container container--limited">\n        <div class="cmp-container">\n            <div class="dn-jobdetails__highlight-items">\n                <a href="/en-global/about-us/life-at-danone.html" class="dn-jobdetails__highlight-item">\n                    <div class="dn-jobdetails__highlight-vis">\n                        <svg width="56" height="56" aria-hidden="true" viewbox="0 0 44 56" color="white" fill="currentColor" role="img" focusable="false" class="sc-jAaTju fnRjGd">\n                            <path fill="#FEFEFF" fill-rule="evenodd" d="M22.715 20.102l9.317-4.614-6.025 13.266 7.118 16.14-9.864-5.763-12.05 16.716 2.186-20.755-11.504-6.338 11.504-5.189-1.653-17.879 10.97 14.416z" clip-rule="evenodd"></path>\n                            <path fill="#2060AD" stroke="#005EB8" stroke-width=".5" d="M11.198 55.872v.002c-.188.243-.47.376-.756.376-.113 0-.22-.02-.334-.051l-.01-.003-.01-.004c-.41-.156-.63-.577-.592-.981v-.005l2.226-19.99L.26 29.205h0c-.325-.172-.51-.512-.51-.863 0-.374.235-.694.567-.841l.003-.002 11.403-4.89L10.067 5.53V5.53c-.037-.416.207-.813.589-.966h0l.003-.001c.391-.15.826-.038 1.091.283l.002.003 11.002 13.745 9.064-4.265s0 0 0 0c.36-.171.795-.095 1.078l-.001.001-6.125 12.775 7.27 15.646h0v.003c. 1.093-.3.282-.74.342-1.102.133l-.002-.001-9.607-5.33-12.11 15.957zm11.103-17.756l.001-.001c.187-.243.47-.377.756-.377.155 0 .305.04.447.11h0l.01.006 7.775 4.324-6.227-13.408c-.134-.272-.111-.574-.001-.812h0l.001-.003 5.162-10.785-7.338 3.45v.001c-.398.189-.873.077-1.14-.266l-.001-.002-9.469-11.858 1.41 14.609h.001c.038.416-.19.794-.565.963h0l-.004.001-10.21 4.38 10.27 5.388h0l.005.003c.34.189.527.565.49.94v.003l-1.908 17.223L22.3 38.116z"></path>\n                            <path fill="#005EB8" fill-rule="evenodd" d="M38.772 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clip-rule="evenodd"></path>\n                            <clippath>\n                                <path fill="#fff" d="M0 0H43.823V56H0z"></path>\n                            </clippath>\n                        </svg>\n                    </div>\n                    <div class="dn-jobdetails__highlight-label">\n                        Experience #lifeatdanone\n                    </div>\n                </a>\n                <a href="/en-global/brands.html" class="dn-jobdetails__highlight-item">\n                    <div class="dn-jobdetails__highlight-vis">\n                        <svg width="146" height="56" aria-hidden="true" viewbox="0 0 147 56" color="white" fill="currentColor" role="img" focusable="false" class="sc-jAaTju fnRjGd">\n                            <g clip-path="url(#clip0)">\n                                <path fill="#fff" d="M27.559 10.984s5.884-6.669 14.71-4.315c0 0 15.202-.49 10.396 20.595 0 0-6.472 15.3-25.499 23.146L5.394 31.776s-7.454-15.79-1.57-21.086c5.885-5.296 13.633-7.16 23.735.294z"></path>\n                                <path fill="#8BC540" d="M122.886 34.522c-4.805 5.59-11.867 6.08-16.868 3.53-5.395-2.745-8.14-8.041-7.454-14.71 0-.197 0-.49.098-.687.196-.785 0-1.275-.883-1.57-1.373-.392-2.451-1.47-3.334-2.647-1.373-1.864-2.354-3.923-3.237-6.08-.588-1.374.099-2.55 1.668-2.943 2.255-.49 4.61-.785 6.963-.392.392.098.883.294 1.079 0 .294-.393-.295-.687-.491-.981-1.373-1.961-1.47-4.119-.588-6.179.883-2.06 3.629-2.55 5.296-.98.883.784 1.373 2.255 2.452 2.452.98.196 2.157-.49 3.236-.687 1.864-.196 3.629 0 5.394.588.589.197.981.197 1.275-.294.491-.588.981-1.177 1.569-1.765.981-1.079 2.158-1.471 3.531-1.079 1.373.392 2.06 1.373 2.452 2.746.49 1.962 0 3.825-1.079 5.492-.098.196-.49.393-.294.687. 2.256-.392 4.512-.196 6.767.294.197 0 .393 0 .589.098.883.392 1.569.883 2.648.196.588-.392 1.275.098 1.765.785 2.158 2.844 3.237 5.982 2.354 9.807 1.667-.686 3.138-1.275 4.806-1.373.588 0 1.078-.098 1.667-.098 1.275.098 1.765.785 1.569 2.06-.294 1.961-.981 3.726-1.961 5.492 1.961.49 2.255.883 1.863 2.844-.392 1.667-.981 3.236-1.765 4.806 1.961.49 2.157.882 1.765 2.746-.981 5.492-3.923 8.532-9.415 9.513-.687.098-.785.392-.785.98v6.571c0 1.373-.49 1.962-1.471 1.962-1.079 0-1.569-.589-1.569-1.962V47.37c0-.589 0-.981-.785-1.08-5.982-.882-8.532-4.903-9.513-10.297-.098-.49.098-.883.196-1.373.098-.686.883-.588 1.079-1.177-.686.294-.882.98-1.373 1.079z"></path>\n                                <path fill="#F4F9EE" d="M122.886 34.522c.393-.588.785-1.079 1.275-1.765.392.784 1.275 1.47-.392 1.569-.196 0-.49.294-.687.392-.098 0-.098-.098-.196-.196z"></path>\n                                <path fill="#fff" d="M130.144 12.357c-1.275 2.844-2.55 5.492-5.787 6.375-1.275.392-1.765 1.373-1.667 2.746.098 1.373.294 2.746.392 4.315-7.257-5.1-14.416-5.1-21.576.295-.098-1.373 0-2.648.196-4.021.295-2.452 0-2.845-2.452-3.531-1.078-.294-1.961-.98-2.55-1.962a27.742 27.742 0 01-2.059-3.726c-.196-.49-.196-.687.392-.785 1.668-.294 3.433-.392 5.1.098 1.177.294 2.158.098 2.942-.883.883-1.078 1.275-2.353.687-3.726-.196-.393-.491-.785-.785-1.177-.392-.49-.686-1.079-.686-1.667-.098-.589-.098-1.374.392-1.668.588-.294.785.589 1.177.883.098 0 . 1.471 2.06 3.138 2.942 5.786 1.765 1.864-.784 4.021-.49 5.983.295 1.471.588 2.648.392 3.629-.883l1.765-2.06c.49-.588.785-.392.883.295.294 1.078-.098 2.06-.687 3.04-1.471 2.256-1.373 3.236.294 5.296.491.686 1.177.686 1.962.49 2.059-.588 4.217-.49 6.473 0z"></path>\n                                <path fill="#fff" d="M112.392 36.581c-4.413-.196-7.649-2.06-9.709-5.786-.294-.588-.294-.98.196-1.57 5.1-5.393 13.73-5.59 18.928-.391.491.49.589.882.295 1.47-2.158 3.924-5.395 6.081-9.71 6.277z"></path>\n                                <path fill="#FEFEFD" d="M142.991 37.366c-.98 3.727-3.334 5.786-6.473 5.983.589-3.237 3.139-5.689 6.473-5.983zm-10.199-9.317c-3.237-.196-5.689-2.452-6.473-5.884 2.844-.295 5.786 2.353 6.473 5.884z"></path>\n                                <path fill="#FEFFFE" d="M132.89 35.797c-3.139-.196-5.689-2.354-6.473-5.394-.196-.687.098-.687.588-.589 3.335.687 5.002 2.844 5.885 5.983z"></path>\n                                <path fill="#FEFEFD" d="M126.319 37.464c2.942-.098 5.492 2.158 6.473 5.787-2.746.392-5.689-2.354-6.473-5.787z"></path>\n                                <path fill="#FEFFFE" d="M136.518 28.049c.491-3.236 3.139-5.688 6.375-5.982-.294 3.138-3.138 5.786-6.375 5.982zm6.375 1.765c-.294 2.746-3.04 6.081-6.375 5.885.687-3.433 2.943-5.492 6.375-5.885z"></path>\n                                <path fill="#FDFEFB" d="M134.753 14.024c1.373 2.55 1.373 5.002 0 7.16-1.471-2.256-1.471-5.198 0-7.16z"></path>\n                                <path fill="#F3F9ED" d="M130.536 17.947c.196.883.294 1.57.392 2.256-1.961-.49-1.961-.49-.392-2.256z"></path>\n                                <path fill="#8BC540" d="M107.489 14.123c.98 0 2.255.784 3.138 2.353.392.785.294 1.57-.49 2.06-.785.49-1.472.196-2.06-.49-1.079-1.373-1.765-1.373-2.844.098-.589.784-1.275.882-2.06.49-.784-.392-.882-1.079-.588-1.962.588-1.569 2.256-2.55 4.904-2.55zm10.592 0c1.373 0 2.648.784 3.53 2.255.491.785.393 1.668-.392 2.158s-1.569.294-2.158-.49c-.882-1.275-1.863-1.275-2.746.098-.588.882-1.275 1.078-2.059.588-.883-.49-.981-1.275-.491-2.157.883-1.668 2.158-2.452 4.316-2.452z"></path>\n                                <path fill="#8FC644" d="M109.45 32.266c-.686 0-1.079-.49-1.079-1.079 0-.686.491-1.177 1.177-1.078.687.098 1.176 0 .589-.392.981-1.079.981z"></path>\n                                <path fill="#8DC642" d="M114.942 32.266c-.784 0-1.177-.392-1.177-1.079 0-.686.393-1.078 1.079-1.078.687 0 1.079.392 1.079 1.08-.981 1.08z"></path>\n                                <path fill="#2160AD" d="M10.102 30.697c-.785-1.079-1.766-2.06-2.452-3.334-.883-1.668-.785-2.943.196-3.531.98-.588 2.452 0 3.236 1.57 1.471 2.647 3.433 4.707 6.08 6.276 1.472.882 2.649 2.06 3.63 3.432.784 1.177 1.274 2.452 1.078 4.021-.196 1.373.49 2.452 1.57 3.335.882.686 1.667 1.275 2.451 1.961.687.589.883 1.177.687 2.158-.294 1.079-.785 2.158-.392 3.433.196.784-.393.686-.883.49-1.275-.49-2.648-.98-3.825-1.667-1.863-1.08-3.727-2.256-5.688-3.335-4.12-2.255-7.061-5.688-10.2-9.12-1.47-1.668-2.452-3.531-3.334-5.493C.392 26.97-.098 22.95.196 18.733c.098-.884-.098-1.864-.196-2.845-.098-.687.098-1.275.785-1.57.686-.293 1.176-.097 1.765.295 1.275.98 1.57 2.354 1.863 3.825.196.883.393 1.765.295 2.648-.393 3.138 1.078 5.59 3.04 7.846.686.784 1.47 1.47 2.157"></path>\n                                <path fill="#2160AD" d="M14.613 4.413c5.002.098 8.729 1.57 12.063 4.414.687.588.98.686 1.765 0 6.67-5.689 16.084-5.885 22.655-.393 2.746 2.256 4.021 5.198 4.316 8.63.588 8.435-2.55 15.398-8.337 21.38-5.002 5.199-10.984 9.122-17.457 12.26-1.177.588-1.961.49-2.452-.294-.49-.883-.196-1.765.883-2.256a66.59 66.59 0 0013.044-8.238c5.296-4.315 9.317-9.415 10.886-16.28.588-2.452.785-5.002.294-7.552-.883-4.61-4.119-6.865-8.238-8.042-5.786-1.57-10.69.098-14.81 4.217-1.47 1.471-1.863 1.471-3.432 0-5.001-5.002-11.572-6.178-17.457-3.138-1.569.784-2.844 1.863-3.923 3.236-.882 1.177-1.667 1.373-2.452.687-.686-.589-.784-1.471 0-2.452 3.433-4.315 7.944-5.983 12.652-6.179z"></path>\n                                <path fill="#E2E4F3" d="M10.102 30.697c.294.196.588.49.686.98-.588.099-.784-.293-.98-.588.097-.098.196-.294.294-.392z"></path>\n                                <path fill="#2BAAE2" d="M76.694 55.412c-9.612 0-17.556-7.062-18.83-16.477-.491-3.53.392-6.669 1.667-9.807 2.746-7.061 6.57-13.534 10.494-19.91a199.295 199.295 0 014.903-7.55c1.177-1.766 2.256-1.766 3.433 0 5.394 8.041 10.592 16.28 14.417 25.204 1.47 3.433 2.844 6.963 2.648 10.788-.393 8.63-7.454 16.379-15.986 17.555-.981.098-1.962.295-2.746.197z"></path>\n                                <path fill="#fff" d="M76.596 4.413c1.765 2.844 3.53 5.59 5.197 8.337 3.335 5.59 6.571 11.18 9.023 17.26 1.471 3.63 2.158 7.16.98 11.083-3.04 10.396-15.985 14.809-24.714 8.238-4.315-3.236-6.472-7.65-6.374-13.044 0-2.648 1.078-5.002 2.06-7.355 3.726-8.63 8.63-16.477 13.828-24.519z"></path>\n                                <path fill="#2BAAE2" d="M90.914 35.503c-.098 7.159-6.276 13.926-13.436 14.514-.49 0-.98.099-1.471.197-1.079 0-1.863-.589-1.962-1.471 0-.883.589-1.472 1.766-1.57 5.688-.294 10.298-3.923 11.67-9.317.197-.784.295-1.569.393-2.452.098-1.569.49-2.157 1.57-2.059 1.078 0 1.47.687 1.47 2.158z"></path>\n                            </g>\n                            <defs>\n                                <clippath id="clip0">\n                                    <path fill="#fff" d="M0 0h146.424v56H0z"></path>\n                                </clippath>\n                            </defs>\n                        </svg>\n                    </div>\n                    <div class="dn-jobdetails__highlight-label">\n                        Work with many brands\n          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\n\n\n \n
<div class="container container--limited">\n    <div class="cmp-container">\n        <div class="dn-jobdetails__description">\n            <h2 class="dn-jobdetails__title">About the job</h2>\n            <div class="dn-jobdetails__description-body">\n                <p><em>Do you want to get an unique opportunity to get to know the work of a category manager and learn how to translate data into essential category insights? Do you want to understand the dynamics between a Retailer and a leading FMCG player?  And are you a self-starter and an accurate person who is curious about Shopper behavior and Shopper Marketing? Then join our team and become our <b>Category Management & Shopper Marketing Intern</b> as of February 2024 at our Danone organization in Zoetermeer.</em></p>\n

You will be part of the Category & Shopper Team of Danone NL, which is responsible for growing our share in Baby Nutrition, Dairy and Plant-Based with Category advise, Innovations and Shopper activations. During your internship you will get the chance to see how category management works and how shoppers behave when buying their Dairy, Plant-Based or Baby products across multiple channels. You will support the team on reporting and on working with different customers and shopper types. Your tasks will include finding solutions on how we can influence shopper behavior to raise the awareness of our products.


Your key responsibilities will also include the following:

  • Monthly reporting and analyzing data;
  • \n
  • Deriving customer, shopper and category actionable insights from data;
  • \n
  • Translating insights into actions such as positioning on shelf, promotion plans and range assortment
  • \n
  • Help in creating and executing impactful Shopfloor activation across our categories
  • \n
  • Connecting with different internal departments such as Brand Managers and Account Managers
  • \n

In addition to the above, you will also have the opportunity to be part of other projects that will be available during the internship period.

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        <div class="dn-jobdetails__video">\n            <div class="container container--limited">\n                <div class="cmp-container">\n                    \n                        \n                    \n                        \n                    \n                        \n\n\n\n\n<div id="container-7278dac2b6" class="cmp-container">\n    \n    <div class="video embed">\n
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</div>\n\n\n                    \n                        \n                    \n                </div>\n            </div>\n        </div>\n        \n<div class="container container--limited">\n    <div class="cmp-container">\n        <div class="dn-jobdetails__description">\n            <h2 class="dn-jobdetails__title">About you</h2>\n            <div class="dn-jobdetails__description-body">\n                <p class="MsoNoSpacing">We are looking for a <b>Bachelor/Master studen</b>t in Business Administration, International Business or any other related studies to the previous ones. We expect you to be a <b>good networker</b> in which you are <b>not afraid to connect with different people</b> from various departments within the company. Furthermore, you have <b>strong analytical skills </b>and enjoy overcoming <b>challenges. </b>You are a <b>self-starter who can work independently</b> while still being a <b>team-player</b>. In addition you should be an <b>accurate </b>person who likes to handle a lot of data.</p>\n

Next to this, there are a few hard requirements:

\n\n \n \n \n \n \n\n\n
        <picture class="dn-jobdetails__image">\n            <source media="(max-width: 599px)" srcset="/content/dam/corp/global/hr/global/job-details-functions/office/vacancy-detail-second-picture-mobile-office.png">\n            <source media="(max-width: 840px)" srcset="/content/dam/corp/global/hr/global/job-details-functions/office/vacancy-detail-second-picture-desktop-office.png">\n            <img src="/content/dam/corp/global/hr/global/job-details-functions/office/vacancy-detail-second-picture-desktop-office.png" alt="">\n        </source></source></picture>\n\n        \n<div class="container container--limited">\n    <div class="cmp-container">\n        <div class="dn-jobdetails__description">\n            <h2 class="dn-jobdetails__title">About us</h2>\n            <div class="dn-jobdetails__description-body">\n                <p>Danone is a Top 10 FMCG player with leading and well known brands like Alpro, Activia, Nutrilon, Danoontje and Hipro.  Danone’s mission is bringing health through food to as many people as possible and we want to invite people to join the movement for a healthier world. We recognize the power people have to impact the world through their daily choices. Healthy food needs a healthy planet, and this is what our new signature <a href="">One Planet One Health</a> embodies. Want to discover more about Danone in the Benelux? Check it out <a href="">here</a>. </p>\n

You will be part of the Category & Shopper Team (11 people in total) with an open culture. As a team we work on multiple categories (Baby Nutrition, Dairy and Plant-Based. This team has varied experience within Category Management and Shopper Marketing, bringing unique point of views and a diverse learning opportunity for their future intern. You will be supervised by a mid career Category Manager, giving you the opportunity to learn on daily base by working closely together.


Proactivity, empowerment, and diversity are the basis of Danone culture. You will be part of an international environment where every day can be a fresh adventure, full of new possibilities and opportunities to learn.


As our new Category & Shopper Intern, you will learn how to deliver data and how to translate it into actions to unlock growth opportunities. You will develop shopper insights within the dairy category across multiple channels and learn how we can influence their behavior Furthermore, you will have the unique opportunity to learn Category Management within a global FMCG which empowers the countries as a local region to make their own decisions to meet their local needs.


We offer a gross monthly internship allowance of 650,- plus reimbursement of home-work commuting cost in the Netherlands. Please do keep in mind that we do not offer relocation and/or accommodation benefits for students coming from abroad.


Hit the “apply now” button. The recruitment process for internships is as follows: Stage One – submit your application with your CV and Cover Letter; Stage Two – we will get to know you better through answering some questions which you will submit through video (or a written) format; Stage Three – we will invite you to an interview with your team. Please note that sometimes there are slight changes to this process.


 To comply with GDPR regulations, we cannot process your personal data without given consent. Therefore, we strongly recommend applying directly via our careers website.


If you have any questions please contact Serdar Demir at

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Shopper Marketeer - Baby Retail

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Shopper Marketeer - Baby Retail

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","datePosted":"2023-11-09T13:22:17.109Z","validThrough":"2023-11-23","employmentType":[],"hiringOrganization":{"@type":"Organization","name":"Nutricia","description":"Nutricia pioneers nutritional solutions that help people live longer, more joyful and healthier lives. Building on more than a century of nutritional research and innovation, Nutricia continues to transform lives through the power of nutrition. Nutricia’s science-based products and services support healthy growth and development during the first 1000 days. Nutricia also helps to address some of the world’s biggest health challenges including conditions in early life such as pre-term birth, faltering growth, food allergy and rare metabolic diseases, as well as age-related conditions and chronic disease, such as frailty, cancer, stroke and early Alzheimer’s disease. \r\n","numberOfEmployees":null,"address":[{"address":{"@type":"PostalAddress","addressLocality":"Amsterdam, Netherlands"}}],"sameAs":"","url":"","logo":"","memberOf":{"@type":"Organization","name":"Greater Rotterdam – The Hague area","description":"","logo":"","url":""},"keywords":""},"jobLocation":{"@type":"Place","address":{"@type":"PostalAddress","addressLocality":"Zoetermeer, Netherlands"}}}

Internship (Marketing) Category & Shopper Management Intern



Marketing & Communications
Zoetermeer, Netherlands
Posted on Nov 9, 2023

Internship (Marketing) Category & Shopper Management Intern

  • Posted: 12 Oct 2023
  • Sales
  • Zoetermeer
  • Netherlands

About the job

Do you want to get an unique opportunity to get to know the work of a category manager and learn how to translate data into essential category insights? Do you want to understand the dynamics between a Retailer and a leading FMCG player?  And are you a self-starter and an accurate person who is curious about Shopper behavior and Shopper Marketing? Then join our team and become our Category Management & Shopper Marketing Intern as of February 2024 at our Danone organization in Zoetermeer.

You will be part of the Category & Shopper Team of Danone NL, which is responsible for growing our share in Baby Nutrition, Dairy and Plant-Based with Category advise, Innovations and Shopper activations. During your internship you will get the chance to see how category management works and how shoppers behave when buying their Dairy, Plant-Based or Baby products across multiple channels. You will support the team on reporting and on working with different customers and shopper types. Your tasks will include finding solutions on how we can influence shopper behavior to raise the awareness of our products.

Your key responsibilities will also include the following:

  • Monthly reporting and analyzing data;
  • Deriving customer, shopper and category actionable insights from data;
  • Translating insights into actions such as positioning on shelf, promotion plans and range assortment
  • Help in creating and executing impactful Shopfloor activation across our categories
  • Connecting with different internal departments such as Brand Managers and Account Managers

In addition to the above, you will also have the opportunity to be part of other projects that will be available during the internship period.

About you

We are looking for a Bachelor/Master student in Business Administration, International Business or any other related studies to the previous ones. We expect you to be a good networker in which you are not afraid to connect with different people from various departments within the company. Furthermore, you have strong analytical skills and enjoy overcoming challenges. You are a self-starter who can work independently while still being a team-player. In addition you should be an accurate person who likes to handle a lot of data.

Next to this, there are a few hard requirements:

  • You are enrolled at university during the whole period of the internship (if you are a non-EU citizen, you need to be enrolled at a Dutch university);
  • You are fluent in English and Dutch – written and spoken; 
  • You can start as of February 2024 for 5-6 months; 4-5 days per week (minimum 32 hours);
  • Willing to travel or relocate close to Den Haag (and Utrecht) for a minimum of 2 days a week (taking any possible COVID restriction into account).

About us

Danone is a Top 10 FMCG player with leading and well known brands like Alpro, Activia, Nutrilon, Danoontje and Hipro.  Danone’s mission is bringing health through food to as many people as possible and we want to invite people to join the movement for a healthier world. We recognize the power people have to impact the world through their daily choices. Healthy food needs a healthy planet, and this is what our new signature One Planet One Health embodies. Want to discover more about Danone in the Benelux? Check it out here.

You will be part of the Category & Shopper Team (11 people in total) with an open culture. As a team we work on multiple categories (Baby Nutrition, Dairy and Plant-Based. This team has varied experience within Category Management and Shopper Marketing, bringing unique point of views and a diverse learning opportunity for their future intern. You will be supervised by a mid career Category Manager, giving you the opportunity to learn on daily base by working closely together.

Proactivity, empowerment, and diversity are the basis of Danone culture. You will be part of an international environment where every day can be a fresh adventure, full of new possibilities and opportunities to learn.

As our new Category & Shopper Intern, you will learn how to deliver data and how to translate it into actions to unlock growth opportunities. You will develop shopper insights within the dairy category across multiple channels and learn how we can influence their behavior Furthermore, you will have the unique opportunity to learn Category Management within a global FMCG which empowers the countries as a local region to make their own decisions to meet their local needs.

We offer a gross monthly internship allowance of 650,- plus reimbursement of home-work commuting cost in the Netherlands. Please do keep in mind that we do not offer relocation and/or accommodation benefits for students coming from abroad.

Hit the “apply now” button. The recruitment process for internships is as follows: Stage One – submit your application with your CV and Cover Letter; Stage Two – we will get to know you better through answering some questions which you will submit through video (or a written) format; Stage Three – we will invite you to an interview with your team. Please note that sometimes there are slight changes to this process.

 To comply with GDPR regulations, we cannot process your personal data without given consent. Therefore, we strongly recommend applying directly via our careers website.

If you have any questions please contact Serdar Demir at