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<div class="dn-jobdetails__meta">\n    <div class="container container--limited">\n        <div class="cmp-container">\n            <div class="dn-jobdetails__meta-head">\n                <div class="dn-jobdetails__meta-logo">\n                    <img src="/content/dam/system/careers/brand-logos/Danone%20company_logo.png" alt="">\n                </div>\n                <h1>Management Assistant</h1>\n            </div>\n            <ul class="dn-jobdetails__meta-details">\n                <li>\n                    <svg width="24" height="24" aria-hidden="true" class="icon" focusable="false" role="img">\n                        <use xmlns:xlink="" xlink:href="/etc.clientlibs/careers/clientlibs/clientlib-site/resources/images/icons.svg#clock"></use>\n                    </svg>\n                    Posted: 17 Nov 2023\n                </li>\n                <li>\n                    <svg width="24" height="16" aria-hidden="true" class="icon" focusable="false" role="img">\n                        <use xmlns:xlink="" xlink:href="/etc.clientlibs/careers/clientlibs/clientlib-site/resources/images/icons.svg#briefcase"></use>\n                    </svg>\n                    Assistant\n                </li>\n                <li>\n                    <svg width="24" height="18" aria-hidden="true" class="icon" focusable="false" role="img">\n                        <use xmlns:xlink="" xlink:href="/etc.clientlibs/careers/clientlibs/clientlib-site/resources/images/icons.svg#city"></use>\n                    </svg>\n                    Zoetermeer\n                </li>\n                <li>\n                    <img src="/content/dam/system/careers/countries-flags/Netherlands.svg" width="24" alt="">\n                    Netherlands\n                </li>\n                <li>\n                  \n                    On-site\n                </li>\n                \n            </ul>\n        </div>\n    </div>\n</div>\n\n\n    <div class="dn-jobdetails__content">\n        <div class="ataglance">\n<div class="container container--limited">\n    <div class="cmp-container">\n        <h2 class="dn-jobdetails__highlight-title">AT A GLANCE, YOU WILL</h2>\n    </div>\n</div>\n<div class="dn-jobdetails__highlight">\n    <div class="container container--limited">\n        <div class="cmp-container">\n            <div class="dn-jobdetails__highlight-items">\n                <a href="/en-global/about-us/life-at-danone.html" class="dn-jobdetails__highlight-item">\n                    <div class="dn-jobdetails__highlight-vis">\n                        <svg width="56" height="56" aria-hidden="true" viewbox="0 0 44 56" color="white" fill="currentColor" role="img" focusable="false" class="sc-jAaTju fnRjGd">\n                            <path fill="#FEFEFF" fill-rule="evenodd" d="M22.715 20.102l9.317-4.614-6.025 13.266 7.118 16.14-9.864-5.763-12.05 16.716 2.186-20.755-11.504-6.338 11.504-5.189-1.653-17.879 10.97 14.416z" clip-rule="evenodd"></path>\n                            <path fill="#2060AD" stroke="#005EB8" stroke-width=".5" d="M11.198 55.872v.002c-.188.243-.47.376-.756.376-.113 0-.22-.02-.334-.051l-.01-.003-.01-.004c-.41-.156-.63-.577-.592-.981v-.005l2.226-19.99L.26 29.205h0c-.325-.172-.51-.512-.51-.863 0-.374.235-.694.567-.841l.003-.002 11.403-4.89L10.067 5.53V5.53c-.037-.416.207-.813.589-.966h0l.003-.001c.391-.15.826-.038 1.091.283l.002.003 11.002 13.745 9.064-4.265s0 0 0 0c.36-.171.795-.095 1.078l-.001.001-6.125 12.775 7.27 15.646h0v.003c. 1.093-.3.282-.74.342-1.102.133l-.002-.001-9.607-5.33-12.11 15.957zm11.103-17.756l.001-.001c.187-.243.47-.377.756-.377.155 0 .305.04.447.11h0l.01.006 7.775 4.324-6.227-13.408c-.134-.272-.111-.574-.001-.812h0l.001-.003 5.162-10.785-7.338 3.45v.001c-.398.189-.873.077-1.14-.266l-.001-.002-9.469-11.858 1.41 14.609h.001c.038.416-.19.794-.565.963h0l-.004.001-10.21 4.38 10.27 5.388h0l.005.003c.34.189.527.565.49.94v.003l-1.908 17.223L22.3 38.116z"></path>\n                            <path fill="#005EB8" fill-rule="evenodd" d="M38.772 4.696c.127-.24.273-.417.4-.656.169-.32.112-.503-.292-.615-.222-.067-.159-.186-.117-.266.17-.319.237-.64.225-1.005.006-.303-.034-.324-.32-.271-1.017.073-1.78.638-2.445 1.307-.706.75-1.19 1.565-1.356 2.652-.074.625-.25 1.247-.344 1.912-.024.14-.087.26-.15.38-.109.3-.216.6-.284.922-. 1.16-1.02 1.658-1.572.874-.967 1.728-1.995 2.583-3.023l-.02-.061M36.564 15.296c-.142.143-.227.316-.399.373-.156.1-.37.028-.527.129-.157.1-.285.287-.37.46-. 1.014-.1 1.957.016 2.943.261.572.145 1.13.246 1.716.433.586.188 1.128-.042 1.7-.041.285 0 .541-.086.813-.129.228-.028.385-.129.17-.345-.101-.158-.073-.215.027-.345.142-.143.27-.33.412-.474.199-.258.227-.315-.059-.46-.73-.475-1.588-.763-2.488-.75-1.2-.03-2.413.041-3.568.428-.143 0-.414.043-.628.115M25.8 2.298c-.124-.24-.187-.462-.31-.702-.166-.321-.35-.379-.672-.111-.182.144-.244.024-.285-.056-.166-.321-.391-.56-.698-.757-.245-.178-.286-.157-.405.107-.52.878-.491 1.827-.32 2.755.213 1.007.607 1.87 1.406 2.625.47.417.882.916 1.374 1.373." clip-rule="evenodd"></path>\n                            <clippath>\n                                <path fill="#fff" d="M0 0H43.823V56H0z"></path>\n                            </clippath>\n                        </svg>\n                    </div>\n                    <div class="dn-jobdetails__highlight-label">\n                        Experience #lifeatdanone\n                    </div>\n                </a>\n                <a href="/en-global/brands.html" class="dn-jobdetails__highlight-item">\n                    <div class="dn-jobdetails__highlight-vis">\n                        <svg width="146" height="56" aria-hidden="true" viewbox="0 0 147 56" color="white" fill="currentColor" role="img" focusable="false" class="sc-jAaTju fnRjGd">\n                            <g clip-path="url(#clip0)">\n                                <path fill="#fff" d="M27.559 10.984s5.884-6.669 14.71-4.315c0 0 15.202-.49 10.396 20.595 0 0-6.472 15.3-25.499 23.146L5.394 31.776s-7.454-15.79-1.57-21.086c5.885-5.296 13.633-7.16 23.735.294z"></path>\n                                <path fill="#8BC540" d="M122.886 34.522c-4.805 5.59-11.867 6.08-16.868 3.53-5.395-2.745-8.14-8.041-7.454-14.71 0-.197 0-.49.098-.687.196-.785 0-1.275-.883-1.57-1.373-.392-2.451-1.47-3.334-2.647-1.373-1.864-2.354-3.923-3.237-6.08-.588-1.374.099-2.55 1.668-2.943 2.255-.49 4.61-.785 6.963-.392.392.098.883.294 1.079 0 .294-.393-.295-.687-.491-.981-1.373-1.961-1.47-4.119-.588-6.179.883-2.06 3.629-2.55 5.296-.98.883.784 1.373 2.255 2.452 2.452.98.196 2.157-.49 3.236-.687 1.864-.196 3.629 0 5.394.588.589.197.981.197 1.275-.294.491-.588.981-1.177 1.569-1.765.981-1.079 2.158-1.471 3.531-1.079 1.373.392 2.06 1.373 2.452 2.746.49 1.962 0 3.825-1.079 5.492-.098.196-.49.393-.294.687. 2.256-.392 4.512-.196 6.767.294.197 0 .393 0 .589.098.883.392 1.569.883 2.648.196.588-.392 1.275.098 1.765.785 2.158 2.844 3.237 5.982 2.354 9.807 1.667-.686 3.138-1.275 4.806-1.373.588 0 1.078-.098 1.667-.098 1.275.098 1.765.785 1.569 2.06-.294 1.961-.981 3.726-1.961 5.492 1.961.49 2.255.883 1.863 2.844-.392 1.667-.981 3.236-1.765 4.806 1.961.49 2.157.882 1.765 2.746-.981 5.492-3.923 8.532-9.415 9.513-.687.098-.785.392-.785.98v6.571c0 1.373-.49 1.962-1.471 1.962-1.079 0-1.569-.589-1.569-1.962V47.37c0-.589 0-.981-.785-1.08-5.982-.882-8.532-4.903-9.513-10.297-.098-.49.098-.883.196-1.373.098-.686.883-.588 1.079-1.177-.686.294-.882.98-1.373 1.079z"></path>\n                                <path fill="#F4F9EE" d="M122.886 34.522c.393-.588.785-1.079 1.275-1.765.392.784 1.275 1.47-.392 1.569-.196 0-.49.294-.687.392-.098 0-.098-.098-.196-.196z"></path>\n                                <path fill="#fff" d="M130.144 12.357c-1.275 2.844-2.55 5.492-5.787 6.375-1.275.392-1.765 1.373-1.667 2.746.098 1.373.294 2.746.392 4.315-7.257-5.1-14.416-5.1-21.576.295-.098-1.373 0-2.648.196-4.021.295-2.452 0-2.845-2.452-3.531-1.078-.294-1.961-.98-2.55-1.962a27.742 27.742 0 01-2.059-3.726c-.196-.49-.196-.687.392-.785 1.668-.294 3.433-.392 5.1.098 1.177.294 2.158.098 2.942-.883.883-1.078 1.275-2.353.687-3.726-.196-.393-.491-.785-.785-1.177-.392-.49-.686-1.079-.686-1.667-.098-.589-.098-1.374.392-1.668.588-.294.785.589 1.177.883.098 0 . 1.471 2.06 3.138 2.942 5.786 1.765 1.864-.784 4.021-.49 5.983.295 1.471.588 2.648.392 3.629-.883l1.765-2.06c.49-.588.785-.392.883.295.294 1.078-.098 2.06-.687 3.04-1.471 2.256-1.373 3.236.294 5.296.491.686 1.177.686 1.962.49 2.059-.588 4.217-.49 6.473 0z"></path>\n                                <path fill="#fff" d="M112.392 36.581c-4.413-.196-7.649-2.06-9.709-5.786-.294-.588-.294-.98.196-1.57 5.1-5.393 13.73-5.59 18.928-.391.491.49.589.882.295 1.47-2.158 3.924-5.395 6.081-9.71 6.277z"></path>\n                                <path fill="#FEFEFD" d="M142.991 37.366c-.98 3.727-3.334 5.786-6.473 5.983.589-3.237 3.139-5.689 6.473-5.983zm-10.199-9.317c-3.237-.196-5.689-2.452-6.473-5.884 2.844-.295 5.786 2.353 6.473 5.884z"></path>\n                                <path fill="#FEFFFE" d="M132.89 35.797c-3.139-.196-5.689-2.354-6.473-5.394-.196-.687.098-.687.588-.589 3.335.687 5.002 2.844 5.885 5.983z"></path>\n                                <path fill="#FEFEFD" d="M126.319 37.464c2.942-.098 5.492 2.158 6.473 5.787-2.746.392-5.689-2.354-6.473-5.787z"></path>\n                                <path fill="#FEFFFE" d="M136.518 28.049c.491-3.236 3.139-5.688 6.375-5.982-.294 3.138-3.138 5.786-6.375 5.982zm6.375 1.765c-.294 2.746-3.04 6.081-6.375 5.885.687-3.433 2.943-5.492 6.375-5.885z"></path>\n                                <path fill="#FDFEFB" d="M134.753 14.024c1.373 2.55 1.373 5.002 0 7.16-1.471-2.256-1.471-5.198 0-7.16z"></path>\n                                <path fill="#F3F9ED" d="M130.536 17.947c.196.883.294 1.57.392 2.256-1.961-.49-1.961-.49-.392-2.256z"></path>\n                                <path fill="#8BC540" d="M107.489 14.123c.98 0 2.255.784 3.138 2.353.392.785.294 1.57-.49 2.06-.785.49-1.472.196-2.06-.49-1.079-1.373-1.765-1.373-2.844.098-.589.784-1.275.882-2.06.49-.784-.392-.882-1.079-.588-1.962.588-1.569 2.256-2.55 4.904-2.55zm10.592 0c1.373 0 2.648.784 3.53 2.255.491.785.393 1.668-.392 2.158s-1.569.294-2.158-.49c-.882-1.275-1.863-1.275-2.746.098-.588.882-1.275 1.078-2.059.588-.883-.49-.981-1.275-.491-2.157.883-1.668 2.158-2.452 4.316-2.452z"></path>\n                                <path fill="#8FC644" d="M109.45 32.266c-.686 0-1.079-.49-1.079-1.079 0-.686.491-1.177 1.177-1.078.687.098 1.176 0 .589-.392.981-1.079.981z"></path>\n                                <path fill="#8DC642" d="M114.942 32.266c-.784 0-1.177-.392-1.177-1.079 0-.686.393-1.078 1.079-1.078.687 0 1.079.392 1.079 1.08-.981 1.08z"></path>\n                                <path fill="#2160AD" d="M10.102 30.697c-.785-1.079-1.766-2.06-2.452-3.334-.883-1.668-.785-2.943.196-3.531.98-.588 2.452 0 3.236 1.57 1.471 2.647 3.433 4.707 6.08 6.276 1.472.882 2.649 2.06 3.63 3.432.784 1.177 1.274 2.452 1.078 4.021-.196 1.373.49 2.452 1.57 3.335.882.686 1.667 1.275 2.451 1.961.687.589.883 1.177.687 2.158-.294 1.079-.785 2.158-.392 3.433.196.784-.393.686-.883.49-1.275-.49-2.648-.98-3.825-1.667-1.863-1.08-3.727-2.256-5.688-3.335-4.12-2.255-7.061-5.688-10.2-9.12-1.47-1.668-2.452-3.531-3.334-5.493C.392 26.97-.098 22.95.196 18.733c.098-.884-.098-1.864-.196-2.845-.098-.687.098-1.275.785-1.57.686-.293 1.176-.097 1.765.295 1.275.98 1.57 2.354 1.863 3.825.196.883.393 1.765.295 2.648-.393 3.138 1.078 5.59 3.04 7.846.686.784 1.47 1.47 2.157"></path>\n                                <path fill="#2160AD" d="M14.613 4.413c5.002.098 8.729 1.57 12.063 4.414.687.588.98.686 1.765 0 6.67-5.689 16.084-5.885 22.655-.393 2.746 2.256 4.021 5.198 4.316 8.63.588 8.435-2.55 15.398-8.337 21.38-5.002 5.199-10.984 9.122-17.457 12.26-1.177.588-1.961.49-2.452-.294-.49-.883-.196-1.765.883-2.256a66.59 66.59 0 0013.044-8.238c5.296-4.315 9.317-9.415 10.886-16.28.588-2.452.785-5.002.294-7.552-.883-4.61-4.119-6.865-8.238-8.042-5.786-1.57-10.69.098-14.81 4.217-1.47 1.471-1.863 1.471-3.432 0-5.001-5.002-11.572-6.178-17.457-3.138-1.569.784-2.844 1.863-3.923 3.236-.882 1.177-1.667 1.373-2.452.687-.686-.589-.784-1.471 0-2.452 3.433-4.315 7.944-5.983 12.652-6.179z"></path>\n                                <path fill="#E2E4F3" d="M10.102 30.697c.294.196.588.49.686.98-.588.099-.784-.293-.98-.588.097-.098.196-.294.294-.392z"></path>\n                                <path fill="#2BAAE2" d="M76.694 55.412c-9.612 0-17.556-7.062-18.83-16.477-.491-3.53.392-6.669 1.667-9.807 2.746-7.061 6.57-13.534 10.494-19.91a199.295 199.295 0 014.903-7.55c1.177-1.766 2.256-1.766 3.433 0 5.394 8.041 10.592 16.28 14.417 25.204 1.47 3.433 2.844 6.963 2.648 10.788-.393 8.63-7.454 16.379-15.986 17.555-.981.098-1.962.295-2.746.197z"></path>\n                                <path fill="#fff" d="M76.596 4.413c1.765 2.844 3.53 5.59 5.197 8.337 3.335 5.59 6.571 11.18 9.023 17.26 1.471 3.63 2.158 7.16.98 11.083-3.04 10.396-15.985 14.809-24.714 8.238-4.315-3.236-6.472-7.65-6.374-13.044 0-2.648 1.078-5.002 2.06-7.355 3.726-8.63 8.63-16.477 13.828-24.519z"></path>\n                                <path fill="#2BAAE2" d="M90.914 35.503c-.098 7.159-6.276 13.926-13.436 14.514-.49 0-.98.099-1.471.197-1.079 0-1.863-.589-1.962-1.471 0-.883.589-1.472 1.766-1.57 5.688-.294 10.298-3.923 11.67-9.317.197-.784.295-1.569.393-2.452.098-1.569.49-2.157 1.57-2.059 1.078 0 1.47.687 1.47 2.158z"></path>\n                            </g>\n                            <defs>\n                                <clippath id="clip0">\n                                    <path fill="#fff" d="M0 0h146.424v56H0z"></path>\n                                </clippath>\n                            </defs>\n                        </svg>\n                    </div>\n                    <div class="dn-jobdetails__highlight-label">\n                        Work with many brands\n          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\n\n\n \n
<div class="container container--limited">\n    <div class="cmp-container">\n        <div class="dn-jobdetails__description">\n            <h2 class="dn-jobdetails__title">About the job</h2>\n            <div class="dn-jobdetails__description-body">\n                <p>A great opportunity has arisen to join as Management Assistant for the IT and Business Services team in the Benelux. Do you want to be challenged daily and provide efficient and excellent support? Do you want to act with integrity and speed as the Assistant to our Business Services Director, and IT & Data Director? Then, this is your chance to join us!</p>\n



About the Business Units


Danone Business Services Benelux (DBS) provides business services for finance, employee services and expert activities to all business units in the Benelux. The Business Services are set up transversally, providing the team with a cross entity overview of the activities in the Benelux, as well as offering the possibility to move between different service lines as part of your career planning, creating a more diverse skill set to prepare you for future (leadership) roles. The primary location is in the Netherlands, Zoetermeer with some positions in Belgium, Brussels for proximity reasons. The DBS team consists of around 120 people, with 21 different nationalities.




The IT & Data Benelux team consists of over 150 passionate Danoners, enabling 6000 colleagues in The Netherlands and Belgium to make a bigger impact with technology.


The capabilities of our IT & Data Benelux Team extend across local and global operations, providing comprehensive coverage. With the purpose \"We inspire & empower Danone through the world of tech and data\", we support Danone to achieve its 2030 goals around “One Planet One Health”. 




Our vision is simple: technology and data are a clear strategic differentiator for Danone by 2025, powered by an agile IT & Data organization.




We offer a hybrid working environment, where you can work from home and from one of our People Hubs in Amsterdam/Hoofddorp, Utrecht, Zoetermeer/Rijswijk and Brussels (BE).

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        <div class="dn-jobdetails__video">\n            <div class="container container--limited">\n                <div class="cmp-container">\n                    \n                        \n                    \n                        \n                    \n                        \n\n\n\n\n<div id="container-7278dac2b6" class="cmp-container">\n    \n    <div class="video embed">\n
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\n\n \n \n \n \n \n\n\n
        <picture class="dn-jobdetails__image">\n            <source media="(max-width: 599px)" srcset="/content/dam/corp/global/hr/global/job-details-functions/office/vacancy-detail-second-picture-mobile-office.png">\n            <source media="(max-width: 840px)" srcset="/content/dam/corp/global/hr/global/job-details-functions/office/vacancy-detail-second-picture-desktop-office.png">\n            <img src="/content/dam/corp/global/hr/global/job-details-functions/office/vacancy-detail-second-picture-desktop-office.png" alt="">\n        </source></source></picture>\n\n        \n<div class="container container--limited">\n    <div class="cmp-container">\n        <div class="dn-jobdetails__description">\n            <h2 class="dn-jobdetails__title">About us</h2>\n            <div class="dn-jobdetails__description-body">\n                <p>Working here you will need to enjoy a fast-paced, rapidly changing agenda, yet packed with opportunities. You will work with some of the best-known brands in the world. Part of the Danone group are Evian, Nutricia, Alpro Soya,  Activia and Nutrilon and we absolutely guarantee that you can just be yourself. Be innovative and entrepreneurial and the impact you could make might just amaze you. Join our movement for a healthier world. <strong>One Planet One Health BY YOU. </strong></p>\n



We are proud to be an equal employer. We are convinced our differences make the difference and that an inclusive working environment will drive our growth as a business, as teams and as individuals. We will therefore consider all applicants for employment* fostering an inclusive working culture that is accessible for all.




Did you know that as a B-Corp certified company, Danone Benelux meets the highest verified standards of social and environmental performance, transparency, and accountability?




We Offer


All Danoners receive a complete package of benefits. This includes a competitive salary and yearly bonus, a premium free pension and great discounts on health insurance and Danone products. We understand the importance of flexibility and offer 30 days of annual leave (with the opportunity to purchase more) and a hybrid working environment, where you can work either from home or from one of our People Hubs in Hoofddorp, Utrecht and Zoetermeer (we are moving our Zoetermeer office to Rijswijk as per January 2024!).


What’s next?


If you are interested in this job opportunity, please hit the \"apply now\" button, and upload your application to our career site Due to GDPR, we need your consent to process your data, we therefore strongly request your application sent though our career site.




We look forward to receiving your application before the 30th November 2023. 




Part of the interview process will be a telephone screening, followed by a first and final round interview. More information? Feel free to contact me via for more information.

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Receptionist & Office Support (m/w/d) Teilzeit 50%

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Receptionist & Office Support (m/w/d) Teilzeit 50%

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","datePosted":"2023-11-18T10:37:02.828Z","validThrough":"2023-12-04","employmentType":[],"hiringOrganization":{"@type":"Organization","name":"Nutricia","description":"Wij geloven dat de juiste voeding en support ieders gezondheid en welzijn ten goede komt. Vanaf de eerste 1000 dagen en telkens wanneer u ons nodig heeft. Tijdens de mooie momenten waarbij we het leven omarmen, maar ook tijdens de moeilijkere periodes,...","numberOfEmployees":null,"address":[{"address":{"@type":"PostalAddress","addressLocality":"Amsterdam, Netherlands"}}],"sameAs":"","url":"","logo":"","memberOf":{"@type":"Organization","name":"Greater Rotterdam – The Hague area","description":"","logo":"","url":""},"keywords":""},"jobLocation":{"@type":"Place","address":{"@type":"PostalAddress","addressLocality":"Zoetermeer, Netherlands"}}}

Management Assistant



Zoetermeer, Netherlands
Posted 6+ months ago

Management Assistant

  • Posted: 17 Nov 2023
  • Assistant
  • Zoetermeer
  • Netherlands
  • On-site

About the job

A great opportunity has arisen to join as Management Assistant for the IT and Business Services team in the Benelux. Do you want to be challenged daily and provide efficient and excellent support? Do you want to act with integrity and speed as the Assistant to our Business Services Director, and IT & Data Director? Then, this is your chance to join us!


About the Business Units

Danone Business Services Benelux (DBS) provides business services for finance, employee services and expert activities to all business units in the Benelux. The Business Services are set up transversally, providing the team with a cross entity overview of the activities in the Benelux, as well as offering the possibility to move between different service lines as part of your career planning, creating a more diverse skill set to prepare you for future (leadership) roles. The primary location is in the Netherlands, Zoetermeer with some positions in Belgium, Brussels for proximity reasons. The DBS team consists of around 120 people, with 21 different nationalities.


The IT & Data Benelux team consists of over 150 passionate Danoners, enabling 6000 colleagues in The Netherlands and Belgium to make a bigger impact with technology.

The capabilities of our IT & Data Benelux Team extend across local and global operations, providing comprehensive coverage. With the purpose "We inspire & empower Danone through the world of tech and data", we support Danone to achieve its 2030 goals around “One Planet One Health”. 


Our vision is simple: technology and data are a clear strategic differentiator for Danone by 2025, powered by an agile IT & Data organization.


We offer a hybrid working environment, where you can work from home and from one of our People Hubs in Amsterdam/Hoofddorp, Utrecht, Zoetermeer/Rijswijk and Brussels (BE).

About you

The role requires someone who can work independently in a fast-moving environment where priorities change frequently. You must be able to communicate in a friendly and open way, yet aware and able to set priorities and act accordingly. The role requires someone who can balance the needs and requirements of different stakeholders.



  • Previous experience supporting different Directors in a similar international environment;
  • English mandatory as team is international;
  • Great attention to detail and organizational skills;
  • Proactive, flexible, and able to take initiative as needed. You are able to do the research, come up with ideas and coincidentally make decisions;
  • Work well under pressure in a fast-paced time-sensitive, ever-changing environment. Ability to switch gears and adapt to changes as priorities pivot;
  • Ability to bring a framework to the role in terms of organizational processes;
  • Tech-savvy and ability to learn new tools quickly;
  • Someone with excellent follow through & execution, who understands the nuances of being an assistant;
  • No task is too small mentality.

About us

Working here you will need to enjoy a fast-paced, rapidly changing agenda, yet packed with opportunities. You will work with some of the best-known brands in the world. Part of the Danone group are Evian, Nutricia, Alpro Soya,  Activia and Nutrilon and we absolutely guarantee that you can just be yourself. Be innovative and entrepreneurial and the impact you could make might just amaze you. Join our movement for a healthier world. One Planet One Health BY YOU.


We are proud to be an equal employer. We are convinced our differences make the difference and that an inclusive working environment will drive our growth as a business, as teams and as individuals. We will therefore consider all applicants for employment* fostering an inclusive working culture that is accessible for all.


Did you know that as a B-Corp certified company, Danone Benelux meets the highest verified standards of social and environmental performance, transparency, and accountability?


We Offer

All Danoners receive a complete package of benefits. This includes a competitive salary and yearly bonus, a premium free pension and great discounts on health insurance and Danone products. We understand the importance of flexibility and offer 30 days of annual leave (with the opportunity to purchase more) and a hybrid working environment, where you can work either from home or from one of our People Hubs in Hoofddorp, Utrecht and Zoetermeer (we are moving our Zoetermeer office to Rijswijk as per January 2024!).

What’s next?

If you are interested in this job opportunity, please hit the "apply now" button, and upload your application to our career site Due to GDPR, we need your consent to process your data, we therefore strongly request your application sent though our career site.


We look forward to receiving your application before the 30th November 2023. 


Part of the interview process will be a telephone screening, followed by a first and final round interview. More information? Feel free to contact me via for more information.